
The people turn pale when talking about cancer

HIFU -  High Intensity Focused Ultrasound - It  is  an  angel  to  all female  patients  who  require breast-conserving  treatment  -eagerly.

The young  women  often neglect  their  own  health due  to  high  working pressure  and  fast pace  of  life.  Some  women  bear heavy  mental  burdens. Lifestyle  disorders  lead to  endocrine  disorders. These  may  all  become  the cause  of  breast  disease. Environmental  pollution, food  contamination  and delay  in  giving  birth  to  a baby  also  increase  the risk  of  suffering  from breast  cancer.

Traditional radical mastectomy has been occupying a leading position in breast cancer comprehensive treatment. Usually the spread of cancer cells can be controlled through traditional radical mastectomy, which not only causes great harm to patients' bodies, but also impacts their families, careers, attitudes towards life and mental health, etc.

Breast  cancer  is  one  of  the most  common  malignant tumors  in  women. In  every  26 seconds,  1  woman  is  diagnosed of  breast  cancer  around  the world.  As  is  known  to  all, breasts  are  unique  vital  organs of  women.  Breasts  are  not  only signs  of  female  glamour,  but also  function  to  feed  offspring. Breast  disease  impacts  patients' life  and  work  to  a  certain extent.  People  turn  pale  when talking  about  cancer.

At present, breast deficiency caused by breast cancer has become a worldwide challenge. Doctors deeply understand the inner pains of breast deficient help seekers, and have been obsessed by the problem for a long time.

HIFU provides a revolutionary new choice for both breast cancer patients and doctors, alleviating, agonies of breast losses and reconstruction.

Modern women, especially the young, the unmarried, white-collars, leaders and famous persons all require breast-conserving treatment imminently. HIFU breast-conserving therapy does not need surgery. No bleeding, trauma to surrounding organism or dysfunctions of limbs and organs are induced. Also there is no impact to childbirth and lactation. It is an angel to all female patients who require breast-conserving treatment eagerly. HIFU brings happiness and hope to innumerable families.

After the treatment HIFU (High Intensity Focused Ultrasound) the patients can return to normal life and work within a short period. HIFU treatment is a safe, non-invasive and healthy treatment in the real sense.

HIFU Tteatment in Bulgaria
High intensity focused ultrasound or HIFU is a type of cancer treatment. Doctors give the treatment using a machine that gives off high frequency sound waves. These waves deliver a strong beam to a specific part of a cancer. Some cells die when this high intensity ultrasound beam is focused directly onto them.

HIFU is approved therapeutic procedure for use in Bulgaria, China, Hong Kong, Germany, Italy, Japan, South Korea, India, Malaysia, Mexico, Poland, Russia, Romania, Spain and the United Kingdom.

Recent advances in high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU), which was developed in the 1940s as a viable thermal tissue ablation approach, have increased its popularity. In clinics, HIFU has been applied to treat a variety of solid malignant  tumors in a well-defined volume, including the pancreas, liver, prostate, breast, uterine fibroids, and soft-tissue sarcoma.Thеre are also clinical trials for the treatment of brain cancer, essential tremor, blood pressure.

Read more:
The ability of focused
ultrasound to noninvasively
 reduce blood pressure

Ultrasound Helps Detect
 Cancer Biomarkers

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